Daniel- Chapter 6


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6:30PM Adult bible study

Apr. 03, 2024

Daniel 6:1-28 Bible Study Worksheet

Honor God and Let Him __________ you (6:1-4).

Interestingly, we see here that Daniel set the standard for Christinas who would hold public office. He was serious about the work he did in governing the state, but he was even more determined to follow God’s precepts no matter the cost. 

May God use a few more political leaders like Daniel in our society.

Daniel ruled with insight, intelligence, and wisdom under Nebuchadnezzar (5:11), as one who had, “a spirit of God” (5:14).

Darius clearly shared their opinion of Daniel.

__________ in the Spirit (6:1-3).

Daniel was one of three administrators, and to no one’s surprise, he “distinguished himself above the administrators and satraps” so that “the king planned to set him over the whole realm” (v3). Daniel was a cut above the rest. 

What was the key to Daniel’s success?

He had an extraordinary spirit. (v.3)

His _______ to power had little to nothing to do with his natural ability or exceptional giftedness. It is to be attributed to his ______ with God and the _______ of God in his life. 

Daniel was a model of James 3:17 - a man who possessed spiritual ___________ that comes from above.

Meaning that he was the man that God made him to be. (Ps. 92:12-15)

‭‭Serve _____________ (6:4).

It gets ________ at the top. Success can ____________ your enemies. The blessings of the righteous can ______ up the jealousy of the wicked. 

Those who are blessed and honored by the Lord can expect the same trio to come their way as well. 

Daniel not only possessed “an extraordinary Spirit” (v.3), but “he was ______________, and no negligence or corruption was found in him (v.4)

As all who follow Messiah Jesus should be, he was a model worker and employee. Proverbs 20:6

Be True to God even when it may _________ you (6:5-15).

“Daniel’s relationship with the Lord was not _________ oriented,” It was a consistent walk with God that people _____ daily. 

We make every __________ there is to not be holy or righteous in the eyes of God, most of the time because we have already been special people for God to do something in, no that’s not how God works.

Evil men will try to ___________ a godly man (5:5-9).

Funny thing about the world is that it shouldn’t surprise us when they act evil against God’s people.

Satan and his kingdom are in _________ with God and will remain so until the end of the age (Rev. 17-19, John 16:33, 2 Tim. 3:12,1 Peter 4:12-14) 

Godly men will remain faithful to God no _____________ what (6:10-15).

Something that we must never forget or neglect.

Christian character is not __________in the moment of adversity. Christian character is ___________ in the moment of adversity.

Even after Daniel learns of the dishonoring document, he responds by continuing in the same _________ of spiritual devotion. 

He went through his routine, one that he practiced so often that even his enemies knew where to find him.

He went upstairs, opened his windows toward Jerusalem and prayed ______ times a day.

Daniel’s enemies were ready and waiting for Daniel’s _________________ to the empire, and brought it before the king, and the king realized that he stepped into his own trap. 

As for Daniel, he realized that his _______ faithfulness would be no substitute for __________ faithfulness. The past had simply prepared him for his present and the future. What a testimony.  

Trust that God is able to _______________ you (6:16-24).

We can rest in God’s plan (6:16-18).

Daniel remembered his allegiance to God and how He always _________ government or any other idol. 

Daniel tells Darius the same thing Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael told Nebuchadnezzar.

One’s __________ to God is not subject to debate or vote (Acts 4:19-20)

Daniel is commanded to be thrown into the lions’ den (v.16). 

The den was most likely a ______ with an opening at the top. 

King Darius was concerned for Daniel as he expresses hope, but Daniel was resting in the providence and sovereignty of his God. 

Daniel was cast into the lion’s den, and a _______ was brought and placed over the mouth of the den. 

And then King Darius ______ the stone with the signet of his ring.

This entire passage bears a very striking parallel to Matthew 26:65-66.

We can be certain of God’s power (6:19-24).

Darius did not hear anything other than the satisfied purring of lions following their supper. 

Daniel doesn’t even claim to be a __________ person, but he claims to have chosen God, and is innocent before Him. Meaning that he didn’t do anything to have wronged God.

Those who maliciously accused Daniel along with their families were thrown into the lion's den and __________ even before they reached the bottom of the den.

“In a fallen and sinful world there is a somber side to the salvation of God’s people. The deliverance of Eve’s seed is always accompanied by the bruising of the head of the serpent. Christ delivers those who were subject to a lifelong fear of death by destroying the one who had the power of death (Heb. 2:14-15).” Sinclair Ferguson

Recognize God will use you to make His name ___________ among the Nations (6:25-28).

God can cause unbelievers to acknowledge his ______________ (6:25-26).

Darius was clearly impacted by God’s miraculous deliverance of Daniel. 

The language associated with vs 26 is a glorious eschatological missionary promise that we find in Revelation 5 and 7.

The king recognizes the greatness and superiority of Israel’s God over all would be rivals. 

Proverbs 21:1 

God can even use ______________ to proclaim his glory (6:26-28).

What do we see once again? God ____________ His faithful servant. 

The truth of James 4:10, “__________ yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.”